Secretly dream of becoming a radical ecoterrorist and seeing your name on the FBI’s most wanted list, but you just don’t have the wardrobe?
Those crazy Castle Rock kids who think it’s cool to wear clothing fashioned after arsonists are now selling their “Prairie Dog Liberation Front” t-shirts online.
The t-shirt is sponsored by the WildLands Defense Action, which appears to exist only as a Facebook page with more than 650 followers.
Available in black, white, green or our favorite, purple, the t-shirt features an illustration of prairie dogs sporting machine guns with bandoliers stretched across their chests.
We told you about this critter liberation movement last month after an opponent of the Castle Rock mall proudly displayed one of the shirts at a town council meeting.
We also reminded you that the name is an off-shoot of the Animal Liberation Front and Earth Liberation Front, both characterized as “terrorist threats” by the FBI that have committed more than 600 criminal acts resulting in damages of $43 million dollars. The Earth Liberation Front is the organization responsible for the arson on Vail Mountain in 1998 that caused $12 million in damages.
The prairie dog liberators weren’t amused with our last post.
This is what they have to say on their t-shirt page:
“WildLands Defense Action is unaware of any militant prairie dog colonies nor have we encountered any individual renegade prairie dogs who have taken up arms. In the event that WLD Action is approached by any faction of militant and/or guerilla prairie dogs asking for support of any prairie dog insurrection, I am confident our board would abstain from extending material support.”
Randi, I was a petitioner. I did not "browbeat" anyone to sign the petition. Besides that what are you saying about all the people who did sign my petition? They are that weak that I what threw them on the ground and made them sign? Come on man seriously browbeat? FYI, learn the law petitions MUST be started by residents, the people who started the referendum process ARE castle Rock residents otherwise there would be no petition. Are people that ignornant that they do not understand that this type of legal action has to be started by residents of the town that it affects? We do not partake in any illegal activity, we do not force people to sign petitions, and we do not spread our message under a banner that states it is a "bully pulpit" so … with that said, you want to shoot PDs? Buy a shirt and shoot away. Oh and you lost cattle and horse to PD burrows? That is a straight up lie but if you can prove me wrong than by all means please do. I know Kay and I would say that she does "have a life" but thanks for being rude to one of the nicest people I know. Great representation of your group: )!!
LMFAO. Good lord people. We are not arsonists, we are people trying to save animals get a grip. Why don't you try UNBLOCKING people on Facebook (who were respectful to you!) and talk to them about what they are doing BEFORE you put bullshit on the internet. You have NO IDEA what we are about. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE say that I was anything but respectful to you and I WILL POST OUR CONVERSATION on this page and my page and every other page I can, Please say that I was rude to you so I can do that. What you are doing now is called fear based journalism. You are trying to incite anger against a PEACEFUL group of concerned Castle Rock residents and it is just so wrong. Thank you for the free publicity though, appreciate it.
HA! Thanks for the advertisement! Great that you politicos are doing your part to help spread the word — thank you!
Wow someone is really obsessed with these t-shirts. I have one and I wear it proudly and I've never torched a building in my life and doubt that i ever will. It's pretty irresponsible not to mention ignorant to continually accuse people of promoting ecoterrorism because of a design on a t-shirt. Why so much hate because people happen to care about trying to preserve the natural beauty of the only planet that we have? It must really suck to have so much hate, superiority and judgementalism in your heart every day of your life.
Wow Randi. Your comment shows your ignorance. There hasn't been a documented case of a horse or a cow breaking a leg in a prairie dog hole. Study after study has shown that pastures are richer in minerals and just as beneficial, if not more, for grazers as pastures without prairie dogs. Do the research. The prairie dogs that were being trapped were killed on the "promenade" site and were not being relocated. They were going to be fed to raptors. And lastly, the prairie dogs are my families land now, and our horses are happily running around their burrows, the elk graze there and prefer the area where the prairie dogs live, and no one has broken a leg, nor will they. I also tried for months to get the prairie dogs relocated here long before any of this happened. CPW only approved the permit with the pressure our group exerted. Ignorance is just that, and you have certainly exemplified that in your comment. I suggest you begin doing some research and get an education. Myths and lies only go so far. And I also suggest you buy some of our t-shirts. I always promote target practice and have some favorite images of my own that I routinely practice with, and those images aren't prairie dogs.
Only if it is YOUR head spatter shot, Randi, I'll buy the t-shirt and GIVE it to you! I'll meet in the lobby at town hall on June 2 at 5pm with a shirt. Well, obviously not YOU since it would be YOUR head shot, but whomever you choose to represent your estate.
Well, then go shoot a t-shirt…..:).
Get a life. PDs are rodents. Grew up on a farm, lost pastures, cattle and horses to them. They're destructive.
This group created their own problem by stealing and destroying the traps that were put out to capture and rehome the PDs. But, that doesn't show up in any news reports because it's not sensational. Also interesting that the person who "donated" her land for the PDs that were rehomed could have done this early on instead of trying to wreak havoc in what used to be a nice community.
I won't support their organization because of the tactics they used to browbeat residents to sign their petition, which, BTW, wasn't even started by Castle Rock residents.
Oh, and, BTW, I'm NOT a republican.
“WildLands Defense Action is unaware of any militant prairie dog colonies nor have we encountered any individual renegade prairie dogs who have taken up arms. In the event that WLD Action is approached by any faction of militant and/or guerilla prairie dogs asking for support of any prairie dog insurrection, I am confident our board would abstain from extending material support.” This was a funny and clever response to your silly article.
This is why it is so hard to defend my fellow republicans. You think this advances our protection of our second amendment rights? By all means, go shoot some t-shirt. Just buy about ten and shoot to your heart's content. They have some cute bumper stickers – buy some for targets, but save one for when you ever-so-slowly begin to understand the issues and the position of this group.
Seriously, Cory Gardner is selling out our interests on a daily basis – his speech on the TPP is today's betrayal – and you focus on making fun of the logo choice for this excellent group of people who are simply trying to a reasonable solution to a problem that simply needs reasonble people on the other side. I seriouly think the Colorado Peak Politics needs a new writer if you can only a blind view to this issue and belittle a choice of slogans picked by people who started a program as amateurs and quickly became a strong force for the protection of wildlife, but for the city of Castle Rock itself. Do you even understand the issues that are being fought here. Certainly, the needless killing of wildlife and destruction of habitat without any attempt to mitigate the damage is one issue. What about the others? The harm to the economy of Castle Rock by rezoing light industrial to "retail". I've watch cities build their tax base on outlet malls, simply to disappear in ten years. It's not a reasonable plan to replace high paying permanent light industrial jobs with low paying, part time jobs that will disappear in a decade, leaving a ghost town of empty buildings. No, your simplistic article can't look at the issues – you can only focus on the trivial – sounding more like a Democrat than a conservative. At least get over your ridiculous obsession since it seems too much to ask that you get informed.
Can I overlay my PD splatter target, all head shots, 2 inch grouping, over this logo?