BETTER LATE THEN NEVER: FBI Islamist Warning Issued Last Month

Memo to the FBI: If you want Coloradans to report Middle Eastern men surveilling, confronting and intimidating military families, it would be helpful if you actually let us know that. Such confrontations happened at least once in Greeley, and several times in Wyoming,...

GROUSE GETTING BUSY! New Report Says Population Has Rebounded

The sage grouse population has exploded in the last two years, growing by nearly two-thirds from more than 49,000 males in 2013 to more than 80,000 this year. That’s according to a new study by the Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, and reported on by...

BLAME GAME? Hillary’s Server Scandal Stretches to Denver Company

Presidential wannabe Hillary Clinton addressed many topics during a Denver rally Tuesday, but declined to mention that the FBI had contacted a local technology firm as part of its investigation into her controversial email server. Controversial, because the government...

WATCH YOUR POCKETS: Governor Hickenlooper Pushes to Keep Tax Dollars

Governor John Hickenlooper recently embarked on a tour to convince Coloradans to allow him to keep extra tax dollars in an end run around TABOR.  Hickenlooper would like to exempt the hospital provider fee from TABOR calculations, which would have allowed him to keep...