GOP UNBOUND: Colorado GOP Allows Delegates Freedom to Choose Candidate

Today, the Colorado GOP announced that it would do away with the delegate straw poll that bound presidential delegates to a candidate, even if the candidate withdrew from the race.  Colorado GOP Chair Steve House insists that the move allows candidates to choose for...

EPA POLICE: Put Your Hands Up and Step Away from the Lawnmower

The lawnmower police, that’s what the EPA has been reduced too in this hilarious new TV ad launched in Colorado.   “President Obama’s Environmental Protection Agency is considering new regulations on ozone that could trigger some new, crazy laws, such as bans on...

CUE THE CRICKETS: Where is Sen. Bennet on Iran Deal?

Summer vacation won’t last forever, so at some point U.S. Sen. Michael Bennet must decide where he stands on President Obama’s faulty Iran deal because Congress is set to vote on it when they reconvene after the August recess. As one of the top vulnerable Democrats...

TAX REFORM: Why it Should be a Priority Issue

By Kelly Sloan With the myriad of other acute issues cropping up – the Planned Parenthood videos, the EPA dumping millions of gallons of toxic waste into rivers, Hillary Clinton doing her level best to outdo Nixon with her own 21st century application of Watergate – a...