Today, the Secretary of State’s Office certified enough signatures for Colorado Care to make the 2016 ballot. The initiative, dubbed Amendment 69 (insert your own joke here) needed 98,492 signatures to make the ballot and delivered 158,831.
The proposal, universal health care, will add $25 billion to the state budget, essentially doubling the state budget. The revenue would come from a 10% state tax increase with 6.67% paid by employers and 3.33% paid by employees. The Washington Times revealed that this $25 billion boondoggle would be managed by a non-profit cooperative. This ballot initiative comes on the heels of news that Colorado’s Division of Insurance planned to shutter the state’s ailing health care cooperative. Several other state health cooperatives met the same fate due to an inability to make the business model work.
In 2013, Colorado voters rejected a $1 billion tax increase by a nearly two-to-one margin, ushering in a rash of conservative local electeds. This measure is due to cost $25 billion. The right can only hope that this ballot initiative is as successful in 2016 in turning out conservatives as Amendment 66 was in 2013. Those on the left take a Pollyannaish view of how this will impact Democratic candidates. T.R. Reid, a spokesman for the Amendment 69 campaign, offered this insight:
“I think the presidential election will probably benefit us. I think (U.S. Sen.) Michael Bennet and Hillary Clinton will probably have to endorse our plan. And then we in turn help them because we’re going to turn out the people who vote Democratic.”
Oh, now we understand. Please, please Sen. Bennet support this insane plan to rob small businesses and Coloradans of hard-earned dollars. What a gift this ballot initiative is to liberty loving Coloradans in 2016.
This is the worst amendment ever devised.It would in my opinion eventuually violate your civil rights as a human may not recieve the medical care you need which may result in fatal injury or even death.
in 2014 Coloradans spent $36,000,000,000 on healthcare, not premiums, just care. They would have to incease taxes.
Dianne Rhinesmith: I feel like angry and disgusted are VERY similar but, ok, you are disgusted. I am sorry you really do not like people who think that they are "owed" something, but truthfully, this country believes in certain inalienable rights (which you seem to eschew like a feather in your diatribes) that simply cannot be forgotten. Our "basic rights", as you so succintcly put, certainly cover the idea of healthcare for all (right to life), you, me, and all of those who need it.
I do not know exactly how we got on the topic of social security, but lets talk about it. I bet you did not know that someone who makes 14 million dollars pays the same amount as someone who makes 117,000 a year. If we were to raise this limit (as us "liberal socialists" have been trying to do for quite some time) we could keep social security salient for 40 years longer than expected. Unfortunately, the republican super wealthy have convinced all of the easily convinced (I count you among this group) that "This is America, we are supposed to bleed ourselves dry for our country and expect NOTHING in return, because that is what a "good citizen" does". Let me give you a clue, with the massive amount of wealth in this country, we could feed our poor and give them more than just a high school education. We could allow the impoverished to lead vibrant, healthy lives. We could provide opportunities for people who have none. Ultimately, EVERYONE benefits because when our weakest link is strong, we are all strong. THAT is how you make America great again. The problem with this country is that people like you have been brainwashed into believing that you have worked your whole life and now have a feast, when really all you have are the crumbs that our nations "elite" let you have. You have not worked for anything in your life, because work, true honest to god WORK, means helping others around you who need it. This is something you simply do not have, all you do is toil. You feel like you have paid into social security, and so it is a right of yours? Well guess what, I pay into it too, but I do it KNOWING that I wont have it, I do it so that you can live comfortably in your old age, I also am putting money into a stock portfolio knowing that THAT is what my retirement savings will be. You are welcome for the social program that I have provided you. Did you know that people with only a high school education are at a much greater risk for heart disease, diabetes, and a number of other life threatening illnesses? I still pay my health insurance bills in a timely manner, and I pay more because people like you cannot seem to get a grasp on personal wellness. You are welcome, from a socialist. It is people like me who keep this country running, who says "maybe it is a good idea that we all pay our taxes because roads, and police, and firemen, libraries, government, etc. ss a good idea". If it were up to people like you, every state would adopt TABOR (look it up), and all hell would break loose.
I would expect you to provide evidence on the following claims the next time you post:
1. "SS has not seen a raise since O'bummer has been in office which is a disgrace" (check out the voting record in congress and see which side has denied it)
2. "If you want free then please go to a socialist country, (which by the way are all in a total mess and taxed to death)" (I would like you to look to tell me which countries these are, what there world health rating is, and how they are doing financially).
Lets see what kind of actual support you can provide for your wild claims.
The good news for you, and subsequently for me, is that a college education will soon be free. Live strong and socialist on 🙂
Bode Vogelfanger: If you didn't have time for me, you shouldn't have addressed me. I am not being paid, just a concerned citizen who is trying his best to help who I can! It is not my fault if it is too easy to point out people's flaws in rational, they should come prepared 😉
1. "Colorado" absolutely can afford amendment 69. Please remember that we are paying into the system, but AlSO receiving healthcare. This is not a new expense, it simply shifts what we do pay already from insurance companies (for profit) to a non-profit government run health care system. You seem to be fear mongering.
2. Yet we leave decisions for our healthcare in the hands of a much smaller board of trustees whose sole goal is to make profit for their insurance agencies? I like the idea of removing these people from the healthcare equation.
3. It can certainly be overturned if necessary, it really isn't that difficult. Also, would you prefer our constitution to be simplistically designed? You do realize that a lack of specificity leaves a constitution open to ALL kinds of error, right? I am glad it is complex, because "People pay money, government make healthy" doesn't really seem fitting does it?
4. We are not a Guinea pig. In fact, single payer health works ALL over the world. Most single payer nations have a higher WHO rating than we do. Vermont seems to be the outlier. Also, there are MANY examples of poorly run private health systems around the US, why don't you cite those examples as well?
Your turn 😉
Julie Gerry check this out:
1. Huge New Tax Burden.
Amendment 69 will raise $25 billion in new taxes to fund a massive government-run health care system—a figure that almost doubles the state budget. All Coloradans will pay into thus system giving Colorado the highest income taxes in the nation. Colorado can’t afford Amendment 69.
2. 21-Member Board of Politicians Making Health Care Decisions for You. ColoradoCare would be run by a 21-member Board of Trustees which would be exempt from recall and have no accountability to the Governor or legislature. The Board will be responsible for running a new $38 billion entity. Decisions about our health care are too important to leave to inexperienced, unaccountable politicians.
3. Another Complex Policy Embedded in Colorado’s Constitution. This is yet another complex and costly amendment to our state’s constitution. And because this policy is embedded in our constitution it would be difficult to amend or change in the future. It is irresponsible to put another complex amendment into our state’s constitution.
4. Colorado should not be THE guinea pig. One state, tiny Vermont, led by a pro-single-payer Governor tried this. He abandoned the plan after it was clear it would bust the state budget and be too complicated for one state to administer. Coloradans should not have to risk their health care, their income, and our economic future, on a risky experiment that has never been implemented anywhere before.
Bryan Lyman, are you being paid to promote this? It's one thing to state your opinion, it's another to be rude about it. I won't waste my time on you. Be informed to make the best choices, we can do that in this country.
Bryan Lyman, you're not paying attention, it will cost you 3.5% of your pay just for healthcare and another 33% of your pay for ALL THE OTHER TAXES THEY TAKE OUT! This is a socialist program being pushed and it NEVER WORKS!
Bryan Lyman, I'm not angry, I'm disgusted with people thinking that anyone owes them ANYTHING or it is their RIGHT to have something they've not worked for. No sorry it is not a right to have decent healthcare or food or shelter or anything. We have basic rights are per the constitution and that's about it. Remember, "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country." I understand fully if a person is handicapped or to old to work they may need assistance yes, Social security is NOT a handout we have paid into it all our working lives, and SS has not seen a raise since O'bummer has been in office which is a disgrace. If a person is able to work and help contribute to their heathcare insurance that is perferrable, nothing is free. If you want free then please go to a socialist country, (which by the way are all in a total mess and taxed to death), then please go and have fun with that. NOTHING IS FREE, EVER! Someone always has to pay for it and it's always the worker bee. And no, I never had kids and yes I paid school taxes all my danged life. Yes I do have car insurance and have to pay higher rates and keep the "uninsured motorist" insurance as folks drive around with no insurance, so we all pay! Yes I pay higher prices for clothing as there is so much theft in the stores! Yes we all pay high taxes as we need to subsidize all the FREE CLINICS for the illegals to have their anchor babies and get WIC. I could go on and on but I'm tired and fed up with this countries liberal socialist idiotic views. Socialism DOES NOT WORK IT NEVER HAS, GROW THE HECK UP.
Do you have any evidence that it will hurt the working poor /middle class? I believe that you have missed one fundamental aspect of the idea of single payer, which is that for what we pay in, we also receive healthcare. For me, the amount I would pay in would be less than my coverage, and my yearly income is that of the "working poor". You do realize that small business only employs around 100,000 people (or about 5% of workers) in Colorado, right? I do not feel like your concern is for us working/middle class folks at all, you seem angry the "non-working slugs and illegals" (your post below is very telling) will finally have decent care. Well, to that I ask, are you not Christian? Is your money that important to you? I assume you have children, well I do not, and yet my property tax pays for their schools. What if, instead of income tax for healthcare, I decided they do not deserve my money for their education because it doesn't effect me if your kids are smart/idiots. Maybe look past yourself, and realize that EVERYONE deserves healthcare, just like an education or clean water. WWJD?
Dianne Rhinesmith: I was extremely surprised that a person who utilizes the word "fella" with such gusto did not read any of the evidence presented above with regard to single payer systems. For your convenience I have copied and pasted just one of the excellent sources of data from above –
"Dani Abrahams: Evidence suggests that the average wait times between the US healthcare model and Single payer models are similar (in fact the UK and Australia have lower average wait times, with Canada just a bit behind US). Also, all three of these nations (as is true for most single payer systems) have a World Health Orginization health system rating higher than ours in the US (as I am sure you already knew because you have "done the research.
With regard to Venezuela, you realize that their system of government is a sham socialism right? They are a fascist aristocracy, nothing more. Just because a book is labeled "Hey, wake up fella", doesn't mean that is the book within, it could be mislabeled. You would be a fool if you read the book, realize it is actually "Go to sleep now fella", and still refer to it as "Hey, wake up fella".
Now, let me take a guess. You probably have decent health insurance, and probably have a decent job. You don't want this "sham of a bill" to pass because you are afraid (and uninformed) that it will cost you more money (which it won't). Am I close? Well, in the words of someone great I once knew "Wake up fella!" Do just a little research, and then come back and post. Until then remember, the greatest socialist to ever live was Jesus Christ.
Deborah Gerbers: Really? Do you have any evidence? Why would the taxes be higher than the average PP health cost? Maybe a bit more substance…
Bryan Lyman – premiums go down……taxes go off the charts. Wow, read, read read
BS……read the fine lines
Troy Griebe they will pick a panel of 21 to yes or no if you need that emergency surgery or cancer treatment or medicine
Ha! I was wondering when a new "intellectual" would show up. It is interesting to me that you cite California as being a "regressive" controlled state, look up TABOR, and the devastation it caused to the state, and tell me that taxes aren't important.
Sure, Vermonts very small single payer system, which was certainly a very small disaster, did not work. With that said, however, it is important to note that there are many examples of entire countries who use single payer systems, and are doing very well! Your example seems to be more of an outlier.
You and I must have a different view of penalizing businesses. In Colorado, approximately 100,000 people are employed by small buisnesses (Small Buisness Administration) out of 2,525,600. A tax on buisness may have had to add to the cost of goods sold in 1850, but in this era, one of the mega-corporation, it does not have to be the case. Take for example the price of a cheeseburger from McDonald's (3.99). A raise of 6% on that would be around 19 cents, I think we will all be fine (the middle class included).
It is funny that you claim I ignore history, and that I am economically "ignorant", when your only real argument, voodoo economic/ "don't tax them because they will leave us" has been widely disproven. Let us remember that if we continue on the path we are on, with our money being siphoned away by red shield banks and insurance companies, we will not have a middle class to piss off with a minimal increase in the cost of goods anyway.
My question to you is this: what exactly is your plan? It is very easy to come on to a board and make a very lackluster attempt to tear apart single-payer, are you then insinuating that our current system of exploitative insurance monopolies is working? The status quo is killing our country, how exactly do you fix it, oh great economics expert?
P.S: Do yourself a favor and research reganomics before posting next.
Dani Abrahams , i've been a doctor in the United States for 25 years and I've never had anybody from Canada ask me for medical services. So even if it happens, obviously, it doesn't happen very much
Scott Graves as an employer dont you already pay for a portion of healthcare costs for your employees? Any chance you have an idea of the percentage of their compensation this currently accounts for?
Canada converted to single payer after one province switched and demonstrated just how much better it was for everyone. Colorado, with this one vote you can help save more American lives than any other vote in history.
Malahni Baldessari: I think you should do yourself a favor and read the text of the bill. No one is asking you for 40% of your income, it would be a 3.5% raise for you, and that would provide you with healthcare for you AND your kids. This amendment is not about you providing for anyone else (even though it would make life easier for many people). It is about us, as a community, standing up and removing the for profit instance companies who are destroying the middle-lower class with extortionist Heath care insurance. Now, I am hard working, and I have a decent job, and yet I still like this amendment. Why is that? If you are so sure that people who like amendment 69 are just spoiled and entitled, why do I also like it if I have health insurance and a job?
The problem is that people like you have been fooled into believing that we all have to scrimp and suffer in order to live happy and be prosperous, that it is simply the way things are. Believe me, we don't, there is plenty enough to go around for all. Our country is, for all intensive purposes, an aristocracy, and people like you, who believe you have a feast when really you have nothing but crumbs, are the oil that lets the wheels keep turning in this greed machine.
Please tell as why this wouldn't work, or how it would hurt you? Give us ANY kind of clue as to why you don't want this amendment passed! Until then I assume you to be a sheep.
Caren McCready I paid for it and I am still paying for it!! It is not a good system. Wait till you become a senior you will bitch and scream!!
Ron Roberts , I have talked with several in Canada and I am a resident of Indiana and if we don't have Insurance we get fined every year. I am a low income family. I live in a good home but can barely make ends meet. I have wanted to move because of Indiana's poor laws and health care. I have suffered with problems that Colorado has legalized and I could live a normal life for the most part. Free Health Care is offered in Canada but many residents there will tell you the doctors are leaving areas because they can not keep the doors open. They have all night clinics , closing doors and leaving people having to drive hours to get to hospitals or doctors, specialists .. ect. Just because it seems good does not mean it will go the way we hope to.
As I'm reading some of these comments on here, it amazes me that essentially, those in support of this amendment 69 is really telling of who the person is…These people are spoiled entitled brats, who think that they are entitled to hard working tax payers money….I'm not going to debate why this isn't going to work, I'm just simply going to state, that I owe no one a living, and I don't understand why, these people think I owe them..Just like I don't expect anyone else to pay for my expenses…You want other people's money, but your not willing to put in the hard work it takes to get a decent job….Yes even if it means getting 2 to 3 jobs to support your own self….Let's say the shoe is on the other foot, would you be so willing to give 40% of your wages? Probably not….The middle class is being squeezed out, everytime the gov't wants something, they turn to us to pay for it…Well enough is enough, we are taxed enough already..
Bob Hirst you are right, if one needs medical attention, they can go to the ER and get help, however with all due respect to you, and to others who think this is a great idea…Not everyone is going to pay into the system…Did you know that Vermont at one time had a single payor system? Yes indeed they did, but they ran out of money to cover everyone's health, so they dropped it….Here is an article if your interested in reading it…It's from the New England Journal of Medicine I said previously it would be a great idea if EVERYONE paid into the system, not just the middle class…It seems the gov't thinks that the middle class can flip the bill for everything…And we are tired of it..
Scott Graves There's more: right now it is required that anyone presenting at a hospital must be treated without regard to citizenship or ability to pay. The money for that used to come from federal block grants. They are gone. If everyone is covered and prices are controlled, the current law has already demonstrated savings. The issue is startup costs as the sickest come in for treatment. This is a good thing.
Single payer healthcare is a proper topic for national debate. But, it is not a good idea for Colorado to do on its own.
If Colorado enacts such a system on its own, we will be quickly overwhelmed by hordes of people with costly medical problems moving from other states, who then establish residency in order to gain coverage.
Beyond that, many Colorado based businesses have to compete against companies from other states – often on razor thin margins. Having a significant additional tax burden (cost) would essentially force them to relocate to maintain competitiveness, or go broke.
Sean Pippitt: You just made my day! Thank you for reading and caring 🙂
50% tax on ALL taxable income for the first 6 mo, 10% after that.
Cant leave the state because of capital gains tax on your house.
Doctors leave the state.
breweries and dispensaries close their doors.
Ski industry dries up for liabilities.
Farmers go bankrupt.
21 member committee unaccountable to Governor OR legislature.
100% decision making on cost/benefit decisions.
Price setting on goods and services+Children's Hospital loses services.
CANT RECALL board; Board can vote off elected committee members.
Bryan Lyman. Rarely do I take the time to reply to these posts, but this one brought me so much happiness I couldn't resist. Thank you for actually referring to evidence in your arguments, that is what scholars and educated people do to back up their opinions instead of just vomiting their thoughts at other people. Also thank you for pursuing a degree in mental health. I know how woeful Colorado's mental health system has been. It's awesome of you to want to make it better.
Don Pettygrove: Let's hear more about how they are "a sham" 🙂 What sorts of research do you have?
Greg Denzel Not really. They are a sham.
Bryan Lyman is a ignorant liberal troll people. Don't feed his stupidity.
rafly anada
What 21 people?
Dani Abrahams: I am so happy you support the amazing blue collar workers of the world (I did not expect you to fall so readily into such a ruse, but here we are 😉 )! I do as well, which is why I am all for single payer! Why is it that you have such reverence for janitors and the like, but when it comes to providing them with affordable health care, you would rather force them to "get a job or two or three" to afford "comfortable" (a better way of saying it is non-catastrophic) healthcare?
I have a few questions for you:
1. Are you the same Dani Abrahams that works as a research assistant at a chiropractic office in Denver? If so, you are not being quite honest about your degree, or your profession, are you? If not, I would love to read your Doctoral thesis, I searched for a good amount of time on ebsco, but could find literally nothing about your work (which I assume, as of now, is simply non-existent)..
2. Did your "PH.D." (please notice the quotations) program teach you how to research? You still have yet to address the fact that you were simply incorrect about your assertion regarding Canada's health care (or provide a response to my evidence concerning the wait times of single payer systems). Now, I more than assumed you would bite on the janitor line, it is far too easy for someone backed into a corner to take the moral high ground (even if it is somewhat defeating of your case), but not even a mention of the fact that you looked like a complete goon? Come on Dani, have a little integrity 😉
3. I was going to post about your atrocious grasp of the English language, but I just don't even want to go there.
Now, I would like to point out the irony of becoming so high and mighty about all of the honest, hard working janitor friends you have, but then trying to make yourself (via mistruths) seem better than me because your education is, as you so succinctly put, "more". If a person shouldn't be defined by their job, why do you put so much faith into defining yourself by yours (or at least your fake job)? To answer your question, I do think I am smarter than you, and I did find a little joy in "name calling", because it is simply too easy when there are people like you spouting off "statistics" like "Canada's spending on their healthcare is exceeding their own GDP". I really can't wait until you post some actual evidence to back up your claims, but in my experience people like you never will. As I told Cory Tillotson above, if you can't back up your claims with substantive evidence, please just sit down.
P.S – Don't challenge someone to chess if you only know how to play checkers.
Bryan Lyman Isn't it funny how Liberals always embark to name calling and insults yet they truly think they are smarter than people who disagree with them? There is no disrespect in being a Janitor and in fact it is a good, honest, hard working job that not everyone is capable of doing. I do know some amazing people who happen to be janitors and there is absolutely no shame in that! A person shouldn't be defined by their job. What defines a person is their integrity and they do their jobs with pride and respect. To me, that defines a person, not a label put on them by others. As for me I’m a PhD Biochemist and Clinical Nutritionist which is equivalent to more of an education then your “therapist” degree. Yes I am in the medical field not masking symptoms but treating the root of the issue.
I am, in fact, in the healthcare field. I work as a therapist, and I specialize in Alz/Dementia care 🙂 Do you work in the health field? If so what do you do? My guess is janitor at a labcorp 0.0
Dani Abrahams: The notion that Canada is spending more than their GDP on healthcare is ludicrous :p In 2015, as per the World Bank, Canada is spending roughly 10.9% of its GDP, vs our 17.1% of GDP. Here is your evidence, published in a new study by the commonwealth foundation:
yet as a senior you have socalized health care and social security
yet as a senior you have socalized health care and social security
I have and it does work
Bryan Lyman Canada's spending on their healthcare is exceeding their own GDP. In the US we don't have to wait up to 6 months for a MRI or Chemo, they do in the UK and Canada. So where is your proof of shorter wait times? You must not be in the Healthcare field or you would understand that this Prop is the worst decision Colorado could make! Nothing is fair in this world. The govt. has provided healthcare for those who can't afford it granted it may not be as comfortable as those who pay into the system but when you get something for nothing, then you should take what you can get. If not, get a job or 2 or 3 and get your insurance and pay for it.
Cory Tillotson: Had you provided ANY facts, I suppose we could determine if I had ignored them or not. I would love to see some examples of cities or states ruined by social programs! Now the idea that you can't argue with idiots is just simply not true, I do it all day (I am doing it right now 😉 ). Now, I have provided you with substantial evidence to back up my claims, if you can't provide evidence contrary to my beliefs, please just "sit down". Simply playing the "I know you are stupid but what am I" game just shows myself and everybody else that you not only lack the ability to back up your ideas with anything substantive, but also that you have the emotional maturity of a 10 year old.
Bryan Lyman actually I could argue your flawed thinking all day long, butI have learned over the years that arguing with a liberal is pointless. Not only are most of you intolerant, and closed minded but you ignore simple facts to further your agenda. You ruin states and cities and blame it on conservatives. In short, you can't argue with idiots!
Art Stewart,
"ColoradoCare’s definition of non-payroll income excludes Social Security and pension
incomes as defined by Section 39-22-104(f)(4), Colorado Revised Statues, and explained by the Colorado Department of Revenue publication FYI 25. This exemption of pension or annuity income has a $20,000 maximum per person for people between 55 and 65 years old, and a $24,000 maximum for people over 65 years old, and it applies to the combination of Social Security, pension, retirement plan, and IRA income." Now while you may be taxed a bit if your yearly withdrawal is over 24,000, this taxation rate does not seem unreasonable based on these exemptions. Furthermore, the 10% premium tax is deductible on state and federal income tax forms, you should do just fine.
Now, I certainly don't mean to sound crass, but just because YOU have decent insurance for a decent price, does not mean that you should simply wash your hands of the rest of society. I am sure you have children and grand children, don't you want them to have decent insurance also? If they already do, what about the rest of us Coloradans? Are we not important because "you have yours"? Let's remember that your Medicare plan is a SOCIAL PROGRAM, just like Coloradocare is proposing, why are you allowed to reap the benefits, but the rest of us aren't?
Pro universal healthcare folks are at best naive. Their heart may be in the right place but honestly, if we provided healthcare "at the point of need" we would still assist EVERYBODY at a fraction of the cost! This has never been about a real solution … it is called CRONY CAPITALISM: distributing money from the taxpayer to the healthcare industry which has a powerful lobby!
The gov't is not your friend!
Bryan Lyman. It looks good for you, since it will cost you a mere 3.5% of your income. But I get assaulted. As a retiree, I will pay 10% on (85% of) my Social Security check, 10% on interest income from my CDs, 10% on my mandatory withdrawals from my IRA and 401k plans, and 10% on the small check a get from a rental property I bought many years ago to supplement my retirement income.
In addition, because I am on medicare (a federal, not a state program) I will still be paying for my Part B premium of $104 per month, plus my part D premium of $12 mo.
No thanks, I think I will pass on this attractive offer!
Scott Graves FYI, the majority of "illegal aliens" work hard and pay taxes too…
Scott Graves As a small business owner, you should welcome a single payer system. As you probably know one of your biggest expenses in doing business is paying for your employees health insurance; that goes away. If you have employees and you don't offer health insurance for them I have no sympathy for you. If Colorado becomes the first state to offer universal health care other states will follow along, this happened in Cananda. It's kinda like what's happening with cannabis. Anyway the ONLY country in the industrialized world who DOES NOT offer universal health care for all, is he good ole' USA. Health care is a right NOT a privilage.
The answer to your question is yes, it will cover illegals. The definition of "member" in the amendment is simply someone who has residence in Colorado for at least a year.
If you have ever lived in one of those countries that has it, you wouldnt say it works
Ron Roberts – how much "protection" is it to have a medical plan you will never use? I have clients that pay $1000/month for a plan that has a $13k annual family and $5k individual deductible. Do you know how rare it is for a family to meet that? Obamacare's coverage mandates and requirement to buy is driving up the cost of health care, and now a group of crazy liberals want to fix a problem of their own making with another problem. I can tell you this, as a small business owner I can tell you that the 10% additional tax will at best keep me from hiring more employees and at worst drive me out of business entirely. If this passes individuals will flock here for "free" health insurance (a misnomer) while employers will flee (as they have from California), creating a serious unemployment glut, requiring additional tax increases to pay for the "free" health care!
Cory Tillotson: :p Yeah, I didn't think you had much else to say 😉
Bryan Lyman I love red robin!
Cory Tillotson: IF I made 27,000 a year my income tax bracket would be 15% (I am not about to share personal financial information with you). Now I am not going to ask you how much you make (I am certainly not as boorish as you), but I ASSUME based the inadequate way you have responded to my posts, it must be far more than you deserve 🙂 Do you have a point?
Bryan Lyman I'm going to ignore the fact you are voting for Bernie. And I'm going to ignore the fact that you're completely clueless. The fact that you're working at red Robin and you don't recognize that you don't pay any income tax making $27,000 a year is ludicrous. look at your paystub and tell me how much you're paying I'm not talking about Medicare or Medicaid or anything like that. I'm talking about federal income tax. What do you pay?
Cory Tillotson: I would not go so far as to say that "Obama Care" has been a complete failure, in fact with out it (because of a pre-existing condition) I would not be able to afford insurance. How many "non-tax paying citizens do we have? Please share with us your evidence 🙂 Also, let us not forget that Denver has some of the most astronomically high property values in the US, maybe it wouldn't be so bad if regular people (not just dentists) could afford to buy a house in this great state. I believe that your data is off, Spain is currently undergoing a generally robust economic recovery, as evidenced by a very strong employment growth rate and a rise in exports (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development). The WHO ranks the UK's healthcare system as 18th among nations, versus our 37th. If theirs is "crap", what does that make ours? As far as wait times, 52% of people in the UK have same day or next day appointments for needed care, 58% in Australia (both single payer) versus the US rate of 48% (Canada is just a bit behind us at 41%). How about you share with us ANY sort of stats that indicate that people of "modest means" come here for health care. Don't make me do all of the research, back your own arguments up please (remember there are "no free rides").
What do I do?
1. I work as a server at Red Robin to pay for my education.
2. I am 2 semesters shy of graduating with my MA in Clinical Mental Heath Counseling.
3. I work as a therapist for geriatric clients, I specialize in Alzheimer's/dementia care.
4. I put down rich dentists on websites who have no idea what they are talking about unless discussing the difference between a K9 and a molar.
Cory Tillotson: Australia, Canada, Spain, Taiwan, the UK.
Now when you say "most", do you really just mean the super wealthy? I don't see Swiss dishwashers coming here for open heart surgery, or Japanese bus drivers coming here for cancer treatment. Realistically, VERY few people inside and outside the US can afford our outrageous Heath care prices (by far the highest in the world) without insurance , and many Americans can't even afford the damn insurance. Now while we may have great doctors, our system of big Pharma and big insurance have created a haven for self-serving medical professionals (the worst of whom, btw, are you damn dentists).
Greg Denzel if it works then why do most come here for medical care. In fact, why don't you tell me one country that it works in and that doesn't verge on bankruptcy.
Bode Vogelfanger: Researched
1. It will cost me around 3.5% of my income, which is around 1/2 the premium I pay now. It will cost my employer around 6.5% of my wage.
2. A 6.5% increase in payroll taxes should certainly not be enough to "tip" a company. If it is seen to be grossly detrimental to ultra-small businesses, perhaps we as a state can address that. Otherwise, it should not result in job loss.
3. Please tell us all how keeping taxes low promotes job creation that benefits a group of people past simply the business owners? Let us not forget that 1980-1988 (Reagan) had its fair share of job expansion BUT plunged out nation into massive debt. Single payer will make insurance affordable again for the lower-middle class (people who actually do invest their money back into the economy, which actually does create jobs). Your voodoo economics have been WIDELY disproven by time, common sense, and economists.
4. It will cost roughly as much as the state budget is right now. Essentially doubling our expenditure as well as our tax revenue.
5. I believe that do far, "experts" as you call them, are demonstrating that the revenue exceeds projected spending by about 2 billion. We should have a surplus in 2020.
6. I believe you are referencing the Colorado Health Op, which did close. Colorado Care is the proposed name for the system of healthcare under amend. 69. CHOp closed not because of financial mismanagement, but rather because of an decision through the Center for Medicare/Medicade to renig on an offer to pay for state claims that exceeded premiums under Obamacare. The left the healthop paying something close to 14 billion dollars in unexpected claims money, and they were forced to close.
7. It would be mandated! You got one right!!!!!!!!
8. It is working. In fact the WHO currently ranks Canada #30 and the US #37. Take a look at their list and you will notice many of the top countries have single payer health systems or at the very least hybrid systems.
9. The horizon for our healthcare looks great so long as people do a bit of research 😉
Next time bring your A game 🙂
Bryan Lyman
Sone thoughts: will it cost you less or will it cost you more? Potential loss of jobs, maybe? Colorado would be the only State in the Nation with the highest Payroll tax for this making the economy here unattractive for business development. Will it cost more than what Colorado pays for highways, roads and schools in this State? Is the estimated cost accurate? Experts say no! What if it goes belly up like ColoradoCare did for mismanagement of funds? It would be mandated for all CO residents. Think about Canada, is that single-payor system really working? You wait months to see a doctor or can't get in when you are diagnosed with a disease or terminal illness. What will the healthcare horizon in this State look like? Why did the petitioners say it was drafted to eliminate Obamacare, oh because, people are upset about Obamacare so this slid right in, maybe? Everyone needs to do their homework and vote as part of your freedom but research it- this will be on the ballot come Nov. 4.
Cory Tillotson, how is this a "money grab"? Who is going to profit from this? Based on my estimates a single payer system will actually cost me around 80 dollars less a month, not including why I spend on actual care. That figure is just my premium.
How is this a "money grab"? Is anyone going to profit from this?
Funny how it works pretty well in every other developed country.
What could possibly go wrong with this?
I suppose you'd rather have for-profit health insurance companies telling you what is best for you whos only
concern is the bottom line. God help you if you have a pre existing condition. Right now you're protected by ACA 'Oboma Care'… If the Repugs get rid of that we're all in trouble. You say you're senior citizen so you probably have to pay expensive co-payments, they'd go away with Amendment 69…
It's not even close to the same thing. This is a money grab beyond anything seen before. I realize you are a liberated but if you care about your state at all or even your assets, get a clue.
I'm so sick of Liberals ruining a State and then complaining about it. This Amenment will ruin Colorado, property values and healthcare. I guarantee people will flee in droves. Enough already. Obama has destroyed healthcare already. Socialized medicine is not the answer. It's the grave.
Yes! Because senior citizens in this country do not benefit from social programs at all! *I could not be rolling my eyes any harder
All Coloradoans should vote no on this sham of an ammendant it is a fraud to help 21 people become millionnares at the expense of the poor.this ammmendment will discreminate against the disabled and less fortunate.Do you really want 21 people to decide the fate of your health care system.Its almost like turning your expensive sportscar over to a valet thinking they won't take it out for a spin.Colorado please think responsibly before you vote.don't let a drunk behind the wheel of healthcare.
Once again, government in our health business telling us what is best for us. As a senior I am always against the gov't trying to help us, they never help us they help themselves. I do not care to pay for anyones health care but my own. Some people eat badly, smoke and have horrible lifestyles. Why should I be punished for their bad habits. I pray to God the people wake up and vote agains this horrible thing. Shame on you in Denver, shame, shame, shame!!
My issue is if they discover that $25 billion isn't enough to cover everyone, they can increase the taxes without taking it too the voters. You alway run out of other people's money.
This idea would be great IF everyone was putting into the system and not just the middle class nor the rich. But since this is NOT the case and it's also run by the gov't meaning they will take the money and use it somewhere else. It will NOT be used for our health. The other problem is will it also cover illegal aliens? My guess since Denver is a sanctuary city it will cover illegal aliens. ( I used the term illegal aliens now 3 times, and if it offends anyone I don't really care) It's just another form of the gov't trying to take over our lives with limited to no choices.