Over the weekend, conservative stalwart Justice Antonin Scalia was found dead in his hotel room in Texas where he apparently died of natural causes. The left’s mouthpiece, Alan Franklin, wasted no time in tweeting a photo of Justice Scalia with the phrase “Vaffanculo”, which according to Bing translate (on Twitter) means “F&cK You”. That Franklin was so vile was not surprising and, thus, not worthy of a post.
But, we waited for any Democratic donor or elected official to publicly condemn Franklin. It was a disgusting tweet sent barely before rigor mortis even set in. Surely, there is one Democratic donor or elected official who believes that Franklin’s tweet was gross.
And, we waited. It was Valentine’s Day, the Democrats’ annual dinner, and President’s Day, perhaps our elected officials in Denver were simply busy.
And, we waited. The condemnations never came. Shame on the people who fund Franklin – Pat Stryker, Jared Polis, Tom Steyer, and more. Shame on Sen. Bennet, Rep. Perlmutter, Rep. Polis, and Rep. Degette. And, what about the Democrats in the state legislature?
The silence from the left speaks volumes. Democrats should be embarrassed that not one Colorado party leader has publicly said, “hey, let’s wait until the body is cold to start maligning this man, who, by most accounts, was loved by people on both sides of the aisle, even when they disagreed.”