Get your thank you notes to Democratic candidates Morgan Carroll and Michael Bennet ready, Colorado is about to become the new GITMO. The plan was released this morning, making Colorado a top target state. Ouch. That’s got to sting Democrats up for re-election who essentially enabled the transfer, like Carroll and Bennet.
According to a Denver Post article, Morgan Carroll has practically rolled out the red carpet for GITMO detainees. Here’s what she said in December:
“‘If we don’t have the evidence, we should quit holding people indefinitely,’ said Carroll, who added that the U.S. should ‘charge, try and prosecute’ the detainees and hold them in the most secure facility that’s available — even if it’s in Colorado.
“‘Only if we are the safest place,’ she said.”
Safest place when? Before or after we bring the detainees here? Of course, this goes beyond safety as the real issue here is whether the detainees get a U.S. trial, and Carroll, a lawyer, knows this.
Then, there is Bennet who voted multiple times to block legislation that would have prevented the transfer of GITMO detainees here. Through our crystal ball, we see many campaign ads highlighting these bad votes.
Thankfully, we have Republican U.S. Sen. Cory Gardner, who, in a statement, reminded President Obama that his plan was illegal:
“Pursuant to law he signed just three months ago, the President is prohibited from transferring or assisting in the transfer of Guantanamo Bay detainees to the United States homeland, as confirmed by Secretary of Defense Ash Carter and Attorney General Loretta Lynch. Regardless of today’s futile proposal, transferring detainees to the U.S. is illegal, and it’s rejected by Coloradans, top Colorado law enforcement officials, and Americans across the country.”
Bennet and Carroll refused to stand up to their party in order to protect Coloradans’ safety, and Colorado should refuse to send them to Washington, D.C. to represent the state.
Lisa Marie McCracken We are paying already to detain them in Gitmo, at a much higher cost. Duh.
Plus, U.S. Citizens would be paying for the prisoners' stay/food/etc.
Many on the left are saying its a great idea to close Gitmo and transfer the detainees to our soil…what could possibly go wrong? I tend to disagree…Actually I disagree ALOT! I think its a terrible idea to close the Gitmo facility and bring known terrorists to our civilian prisons. Two very bad potentials scenarios exist after transferring terrorists from gitmo to here. Actually way more than 2 exist, but my top two are these…
First, our prisons stand to be turned into recruitment centers for the terrorists. The inmates are civilians and serving time for a huge assortment of offenses and will be getting out to rejoin our society, right?…So, if they've been exposed and subjected to terror recruitment, who really wants them set free with possible terror plots and/or further terror recruitment on their minds?
Second, and potentially worse…how many terror sleeper cells might wake up to the possibility of a prison break to get their terror buddies out? Do we really want to wake up to news that a hole was blown in a prison wall, and that there are not only convicted criminals but also known terrorists now running free? That would make for some pretty horrifying morning news headlines.
That my friends, is what could go terribly, horribly wrong, in closing gitmo and transferring terrorists to our civilian prisons.