As fractivists across the country and in Colorado move to make fracking uneconomical or just outright illegal, we thought Earth Day would be a good time to remind Colorado that fracking has actually improved the environment. The greater adoption of natural gas in our economy has led to a reduction in pollution. And how is natural gas extracted? Through fracking.
If you don’t believe us, ask the Obama administration. Here’s what EPA’s Gina McCarthy said about the effect natural gas has had on the environment:
“Natural gas has been a game-changer with our ability to really move forward with pollution reductions that have been very hard to get our arms around for decades.”
Or what about Ernest Moniz, U.S. Secretary for Energy:
“Since 2007, we have seen a 10 percent decline in carbon emissions. About half of that is due to efficiency gains and growing electricity generation from natural gas.”
With stats like these, it’s puzzling that the far-left fractivist movement would want to ban something that has so positively contributed to a clean environment, which they claim to support. Unless, this movement is just an attempt to cripple the companies that engage in fracking. The left would never do something like that, right?