If you believed everything that the left says about Republican U.S. Senate candidate Jon Keyser, you would think they have nothing to worry about should he win the Republican primary and move on to run against embattled Democratic U.S. Sen. Michael Bennet. Today’s lawsuit proved otherwise.
Democratic Superlawyer Marc Grueskin today filed a lawsuit to block Keyser’s votes in the primary from counting. It’s the latest move by Democrats to try to torpedo the combat veteran. The three plaintiffs in the case are former Colorado AFL-CIO executive director and former Democratic State Rep. Mike Cerbo, Marcy Cochran, and Colorado Education Association employee Jonathan Royce.
It should come as no surprise to see Cerbo on there as he was the plaintiff in a complaint against Secretary of State Scott Gessler. He seems to be a perpetual plaintiff for the left in these nonsensical lawsuits.
The lawsuit seeks to invalidate signatures from Keyser’s submitted signatures, thus, leaving him a few signatures short of the ballot.
For all the talk that the left initiates about ensuring that everyone can vote, it seems odd that these Democrats would seek to disenfranchise thousands of voters who want to see Keyser on the ballot and his votes counted. To that, we have to ask, what are you so afraid of, Mr. Grueskin? Is it because Bennet’s approval numbers are so low?
You are ignoring the fact that this lawsuit keeps Jon's name in the limelight to the detriment of the other other contenders. Robert is spending money on adverts whilst Jon gets a free ride.
The primary is going to be won by either the candidate with the strongest support among the knowledgeable base–Darryl. Or by the candidate with the best name recognition–the bunch {Robert, Jon, Jack, Ryan}.
And, winning the case was very beneficial to you, Congressman. LOL.
Another blast of irritants from the past. Greuskin's partner, Martha Tierney, handled a suit by the Colorado Democratic Party to intervene in my petition case in 2012 (I won the case).