A federal judge has struck down a desperate attempt from the Department of the Interior to regulate fracking on public lands, a move no doubt originally inspired by the President’s agenda to regulate oil and natural gas fracking out of business like he’s done with the coal industry across the country.
The judge ruled that just because Congress didn’t pass a law to President Obama’s liking, doesn’t mean that he can take executive authority to do it anyway. Or, at least, that’s how we read it. From Judge Skavdahl, who was actually appointed by Obama (bet he’s disappointed):
“Congress has not delegated to the Department of Interior the authority to regulate hydraulic fracturing. [The] ‘effort to do so through the Fracking Rule is in excess of its statutory authority and contrary to law….'”
The Department of the Interior’s spokesperson hilariously laments the judge’s ruling because…regulation:
“It’s unfortunate that implementation of the rule continues to be delayed, because it prevents regulators from using 21st century standards to ensure that oil and gas operations are conducted safely and responsibly on public and tribal lands.”
Here’s a newsflash for the Department of the Interior: the industry already self-regulates with 21st century standards. That’s right. Colorado already has some of the most robust regulations in the country. This was simply an attempt to regulate the oil and gas industry out of business. The oil and natural gas industry supports 213,000 jobs in the state, which is 6.7 percent of the state’s employment. Colorado communities depend on the jobs that oil and gas provide – yes, even on public lands. Again, like the Waters of the U.S., the Obama Administration is hitting a brick wall in its attempts to control every natural resource at the federal level. Just stop.
JUST STOP with the federal control of our natural resources!