Much ink is being spilled by the left wing media about the Republican Convention. “Concern” about the speaker list, Black Lives Matters protesters, who is coming, and now – who is not coming.
Today, the Denver Post is running a story expressing concern that three Republicans out of five in Colorado’s congressional delegation will not attend the national convention, as if this is some sort of silent protest against Donald Trump.
What the author discloses way later in the article is that three members of the Colorado Republican Congressional delegation did not attend the convention in 2012: Scott Tipton, Mike Coffman, and Doug Lamborn. These are the same people who will not be attending next week in Cleveland. Perhaps they have more important district work to do, or maybe they simply don’t want to go to national conventions – we don’t anticipate that it is easy to navigate these events, even for Members of Congress.
While establishment politicians and media elites in their Washington echo chambers have made a sport about marginalizing and discounting the Republican nominee, Trump keeps ignoring them, paying attention to voters, and proving the experts wrong. The latest Rasmussen poll of likely US voters, released today, shows Trump ahead of Clinton 44% – 37%.