Very little has been written about the Colorado Green party candidate for U.S. Senate, Arn Menconi, other than the obligatory mentions that he could serve as a potential spoiler for U.S. Sen. Michael Bennet. But some attention should be paid because, unlike many third party candidates, this guy actually has a pretty good strategy.

According to a recent press release from Menconi, he is in Philadelphia this week reaching out to disgruntled Democrats:


On Thursday, July 28, Mr. Menconi will host an evening event to welcome delegates and voters who are leaving the Democratic Party to join the Green Party for the People’s Revolution. The event will include actions, speeches by Green Party leaders, and community discussion.

Menconi also knows a thing or two about grassroots activism and is a respected progressive leader on sustainability and social justice. Basically, he is Bernie Sanders’s spirit animal. Add to the mix the fact that Bennet has struggled to maintain support among his liberal base after voting for the Keystone XL pipeline and supporting Hillary Clinton for president.

Recent polling also shows GOP Candidate Daryl Glenn only a few points behind Bennet, so there is a real chance that Menconi could siphon enough D votes to actually make an impact.