These are the days we live for. Lefty troll Laura Chapin, fallen War on Women warrior, took to Twitter today and really put her foot in her mouth when she accused Americans for Prosperity Colorado Director Michael Fields essentially of having white privilege. The only problem is that he doesn’t.  Just check out the exchange for yourself.


Wow. Chapin definitely jumped the shark on this one. And Fields called her out in the most amazing way possible. Ouch. But wait, there’s more. You probably can’t see this, but one of the seven people who liked Chapin’s tweet was none other than Alice Madden, the Democratic candidate for CU Regent. Yes, the one who has outsourced her entire campaign to Steyer’s Stooges. See the picture below.


The left bemoans candidate who engage in what they perceive as increasing racial tensions. Will the left admonish Alice Madden for her race baiting, and frankly just general ignorance, here? Is Madden fit to serve as CU Regent after such an act of ignorance? Will Laura Chapin and Alice Madden apologize?

We’re waiting….