Yesterday, Morgan Carroll, or her social media team (it doesn’t matter), claimed that she was the first female candidate in the Sixth Congressional District, which has been around since 1982. It seemed implausible to us that there had not been a single woman candidate in its 34-year history. It was. As usual, Morgan Carroll has no clue about what she’s talking about. A simple Wikipedia search unearthed the following female candidates in Sixth over the years:
- Martha Ezzard: The actual first woman candidate, a Democrat, lost to Dan Schaefer in 1988.
- Joan Fitz-Gerald: Democrat Fitz-Gerald fared slightly better than Ezzard, but still lost to Dan Schaefer in 1996.
- Joanna Conti: This Democrat lost to Tom Tancredo in 2004.
- Kathy Polhemus: This unaffiliated didn’t even crack double digits against Mike Coffman in 2012.
And this doesn’t include primaries, which we didn’t search, but assume there must have been one or two more women in the primaries. Carroll is so desperate to find her footing that she will resort to trampling on the women who paved a way for her. Shameful.