Post-Access Hollywood polls from battleground states are out today, continuing to show a tight race in Colorado, Florida, Ohio, and Pennsylvania. It seems like Clinton and Trump partisans are not budging off their positions, in light of Trump’s hot mic comments from 11 years ago and the embarrassing revelations that Wikileaks disclosed about the Clinton campaign.
In Colorado, the Quinnipiac poll released today showed Clinton holding a 45% – 37% lead, with Gary Johnson polling 10% and Jill Stein with 2%. This compares to a September survey that showed Clinton with a 44% – 42% lead over Trump in the Centennial State.
The more electoral-rich swing states of Florida, Ohio, and Pennsylvania show a tighter contest between the two front runners.
With Donald Trump Jr. making a swing through the front range today, and his father making a return visit to Colorado Springs tomorrow shows how hotly contested Colorado remains, along with the other swing states that will control the balance of power in the electoral college.
With the up and down polls over the past several weeks have shown, this one is going to be a fight to the finish, and Colorado is going to have a front row seat.