An environmentalist and member of the prominent Kennedy family and was arrested at an Aspen bar for fighting.

But we repeat ourselves.

Conor Kennedy, 22, is known for his 2013 arrest after handcuffing himself with plastic ties to the White House gate with Daryl Hannah and other fashionable environmentalists to protest the Keystone XL pipeline.

He, along with his father, the litigious Riverkeeper kingpin of environmentalists Robert Kennedy Jr., were arrested for the crime.

However, he’s best known for being eaten alive by Taylor Swift.

The Aspen arrest occurred early Thursday morning in front of the Bootsy Bellows nightclub where young Kennedy was seen by police beating a man in the head.

When a police officer tried to restrain Kennedy, both fell into a snow bank and Kennedy tried to rejoin his fight already in progress. It took both the officer and another helpful bystander to stop Kennedy and get him handcuffed.

The fight was reportedly started after the man Kennedy was beating about the head called his friend the “f-word,” and the police report said it was “not clear which ‘f-word’ Kennedy was talking about.”

Fraktivist, perhaps?

Although the incident happened at 1:40 a.m. outside of a nightclub, no drinking charges were filed against Kennedy. He was cited with disorderly conduct and released without bond.

It’s good to be a Kennedy, we suppose.