The media has gotten overly sensitive about the term “fake news” when what they should be worried about are all of the fake facts being hoisted upon them by Democratic activists clogging up airports, congressional offices, and the voice mail of elected officials.
Whether it’s the “muslim ban” or ginned up protests in support of Obamacare, we are getting our fill.
And so has U.S. Sen. Cory Gardner, who is having to dedicate taxpayer dollars and staff time to handle all the faux outrage.
Gardner said his office is getting so many calls and emails, h has staff assigned to do nothing except respond to them. In one night, his office received 3,000 voicemails. Many of them were from what Gardner calls paid protesters from other parts of the U.S.
And when the faux protestors from out-of-state clog up the voicemail with their rants, the ones here complain they can’t get through to elected officials because the voicemail is full.
From the Huffington Post:
Gardner’s voicemail box has been full for days as citizens have focused on stopping the lawmaker from voting to repeal Obamacare. Citizens have also been trying to find out what his replacement plan is, if any.
The line of U.S. Rep. Mike Coffman (R-Aurora) has also been full, sending callers to a recording stating, “Honorable Coffman main line is not available. This mailbox is full.”
U.S. Sen. Michael Bennet’s (D-CO) office was accepting messages from citizens today, as was U.S. Rep. Diana DeGette’s (D-CO) line.
So wait, congressional offices are always closed on weekends, but for some reason Bennet and DeGette knew to keep staffers in the office on a Sunday to answer phones?
So much of the Trump hysteria on display since his inauguration is staged and it’s become ridiculous. The media should be very careful not to fall for it.