Last night, a federal judge, in rejecting Chuck E Cheese killer Nathan Dunlap’s request for money to help convince Governor Hickenlooper to commute Dunlap’s sentence, utterly nailed the Governor for his wimpy move in granting Dunlap a “temporary reprieve.” He also blamed the Governor for the awkward position that Dunlap is in. Here’s what Judge Kane said, according to the Denver Post:
“He emphasized repeatedly that Hickenlooper’s decision to grant a reprieve is a political one that left Dunlap in limbo.
“’Reprieves are not expressed in the constitution … the reprieve thing is a construct that doesn’t exist in the law,’ Kane said.
“Getting Hickenlooper to communicate about his intentions regarding Dunlap is a little like a Pillsbury commercial.
“‘You poke the Pillsbury Doughboy in the belly, there’s a giggle and that’s the end of it,’ Kane said. ‘All of this is because we have a present governor who is not making a decision. … I’m not about to endorse the present situation. …These are not legal issues.'”
We couldn’t have said it better ourselves.
Oh, and by the way, this Pillsbury Dough Governor has an eye on the highest office in the land in 2020. Nothing says leadership like indecision. That’s sarcasm.