It’s well known that Speaker of the House Crisanta Duran utterly botched the entire session last year. But that didn’t stop her from creating her own narrative about what happened with the transportation funding last year in response to Republican criticism.

Everyone knows that Democrats completely screwed up the negotiations and negotiated in bad faith, yet Duran had the cojones to tell the Colorado Times Recorder:

“Democrats led efforts to bring a sustainable, statewide transportation fix before voters this year to fix our outdated and overburdened transportation system, and to ensure that rural Colorado isn’t left behind, without cutting other key priorities like education.”


Even her own party thought she was useless. Take this excerpt from the now laid-off Marianne Goodland at the Colorado Independent:

“Sonnenberg met with Speaker of the House Crisanta Duran Wednesday evening, a meeting that did not include his Senate partner on the bill, Democratic Senate Minority Leader Lucia Guzman of Denver. That led to a ‘politically energized communication with the Speaker in the wee hours of this day,’ Guzman said, where she told Duran that ‘This is my bill’ and indicated she wanted Duran to butt out.”

We hope Crisanta Duran runs for U.S. Senate in 2020 so we can pull this out and remind her – and the rest of Colorado – just how fact challenged she really is. Please say yes.