While the Democrat frontrunner for Governor is dreaming out loud about a state powered by sunshine and windmills, real scientists now believe that Colorado’s oil and gas resources are an eye popping 40 times greater than what was estimated in 2003. To put this in context – we’re just behind the Marcellus shale basin in natural gas reserves.
The USGS now believes that Colorado’s Mancos Shale now contains 66 trillion cubic feet of natural gas, 74 million barrels of oil, and 45 million barrels of natural gas liquids. Funny thing that we haven’t heard much lately about one of the left’s most cherished junk science theories, Peak Oil (no relation to this site of course).
So this begs a question, just how far is Jared Polis willing to go to destroy Colorado energy jobs and force expensive electricity on our state’s working families?
We take Polis at his word, and you should too, that if governor, he will set policy that will crowd out reliable, affordable and abundant Colorado-sourced energy for unpredictable, expensive, and job killing alternatives.
During a campaign stop outside of Aspen last week, Polis reiterated his elitist plan to crush traditional energy jobs in Colorado while enhancing the state’s bike transportation network.
We’re guessing that Polis does not spend much time interacting with Colorado families, because if he did, he would certainly understand that middle class Coloradans are not about to hop on a bicycle to pick up the weekly supply of groceries, drop the kids off at day care, or head to church in their Sunday best on a bike.
And they’re certainly not keen on ponying up for a massively higher electric bill to achieve Polis’ feel good dream of a sunshine powered state. Let’s not even get into the hidden costs of federal government subsidies that families pay for the privilege of access to expensive power.
Today the oil and gas industry contributes more than $25 billion to the state’s economy, and is tied to more than 200,000 Colorado jobs. None of this matters to Polis, apparently. Of course he’s already got his, so why should he worry about the tough, demanding, and good paying jobs in the oil patch, when he can sip coffee and talk junk science with friends in a coffee shop.