Democrats are embroiled in a hate-a-thon, hating the haters and hating those who don’t hate enough to their liking.
It’s a vicious, hateful circle, and we hate it.
U.S. Rep. Diana DeGette is throwing hate on the president cause he doesn’t hate enough white supremacists enough.
I’m co-sponsoring a resolution to censure @POTUS for defending white supremacists in #Charlottesville. Our leaders must not condone hate.
— Rep. Diana DeGette (@RepDianaDeGette) August 16, 2017
Jared Polis hates history.
Our President actually said this today, what’s next? Calling the Civil War the War of Northern Aggression?
— Jared Polis (@jaredpolis) August 15, 2017
U.S. Sen. Michael Bennet has vowed to end all hate. And as much as we hate to say it, we don’t foresee his pledge ever happening in our lifetime, let alone his Senate term.
We’ll continue to fight hate in all its ugly forms until everyone is safe & feels welcome in their communities. This is a helpful resource:
— Michael F. Bennet (@SenBennetCO) August 16, 2017
Here’s an idea, if Democrats really want to stop the hate, maybe they should just stop spreading it.