Another nanny government rule has been kicked out to pasture by the Trump administration. This time it’s the Obama era water bottle ban in 23 national parks including Dinosaur National Monument and Colorado National Monument.
The sale of water inside the parks was banned in an effort to curb litter. Ironically, the parks kept selling sugary drinks, which meant folks who were dehydrated because they only brought one or two bottles of water with them had to buy a Pepsi or Sprite to rehydrate.
We understand the park service’s desire to keep our public lands litter free, but eliminating the sale of water inside parks was short-sighted and irresponsible.
Of course environmentalists are screaming because they would rather see hikers drop dead from dehydration.
“It’s a really bad message for the parks to be sending and inconsistent with their mission which is … to protect the resources, and so having plastic water bottles littering the landscape is certainly not consistent with that,” said Sandy Bahr of the Arizona chapter of the Sierra Club.
It’s also the park service mission to keep their visitors safe. We’re glad to see that humans are being prioritized over politics.