The confirmation hearing for Colorado Supreme Court Justice Allison Eid to replace Neil Gorsuch on the United States Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit was held Wednesday.
U.S. Sen. Cory Gardner was by her side, introducing her to the Judiciary Committee that will decide whether her nomination advances to the full Senate.

While Gardner was singing her praises, U.S. Sen. Michael Bennet was once again Missing in Action to support a Colorado nominee.

An aide to U.S. Sen. Michael Bennet, D-Colorado, said he is undecided and would review “Justice Eid’s record and testimony from her hearing before making a decision.”

Sound familiar? It’s the same stunt Bennet pulled on Gorsuch, refusing to state his support until the very last second to avoid bad publicity and pressure from his constituents.

Beltway liberal groups are already pushing Bennet to oppose her, with the flimsiest excuse we’re ever heard: the court’s caseload is so light, Gorsuch’s seat doesn’t need to be filled.

Meanwhile, Gardner told the committee there is no doubt that Justice Eid is superbly qualified for the position.

Justice Eid has been called a “mainstream, commonsense Westerner.”  She is also, as her former law clerks have noted, “fiercely independent” and she will decide cases “as she believes the law requires.”  At the same time, she seeks out different viewpoints and wants to understand all sides of each issue she addresses.

Bennet needs to stop hiding from the confirmation process that advance Coloradans to the higher calling of serving their country. It’s shameful.