In 2015, the Jefferson County Education Association (the teachers union) denied over and over and over again that it was involved with the smear campaign against three school choice board members it hoped to replace with union-friendly board members. Then, the political committee claimed it was just grassroots parents concerned about the direction of the school district. The denials continued until the union’s tax returns showed that it had contributed hundreds of thousands of dollars to the recall effort and the union had no choice but to admit it’s financial involvement, which eroded trust between the new school board and the community. In fact, the trust was so broken that Jeffco Schools could not even pass a tax increase the year after.
Today, the same thing is happening in Douglas County. The registered political committee, Douglas County Parents, continues to deny that the union is involved in supporting the Douglas County Parents-endorsed candidates, Kevin Leung, Krista Holtzmann, Chris Schor, and Anthony Graziano. See the post from Douglas County Parents’ spokesman, Jason Virdin:
Sounds vaguely familiar….
Despite Virdin’s protests, a loyal reader has assured us that the Douglas County Federation (the teachers union) is canvassing neighborhoods throughout Douglas County. In fact, a disgruntled union member, who confirmed union involvement, sent us these photos from inside the DCF offices.
If the union isn’t involved in the Douglas County Schools board of education election, why do they have lists of volunteers to walk in Douglas County inside their offices? Folks, it’s Jeffco deja vu all over again.