We know who buys political ads on television because there’s a law that requires disclosure. Now U.S. Rep. Mike Coffman wants us to know who is buying ads on Facebook, Twitter and Google.
A bill quickly gaining traction in Congress would require that transparency and for social media to keep online databases of all ad purchases over $500.
The legislation is in response to accusations that Russia tried to influence U.S. elections, but it’s actually an idea issue whose time is long past.
Information in the file would include a description of the audience the advertisements target, the number of views generated, the dates and times of publication, the rates charged and the contract information of the purchaser.
The legislation would require digital publishers to ensure that foreign nationals are not purchasing advertisements in U.S. elections.
With so much information flooding the social media pages it’s hard to tell what’s real, what’s fake news, and what is pure advertising. And now we have to worry that our opinions might be shaped by a foreign government that wants to influence our elections, economy and perhaps even our national security.
It might be obvious to political operatives, and advertising wizards, but not for us regular Joes as to what we’re seeing in our Facebook feed sometimes.
Coffman’s measure has bipartisan support, and we expect that Congress will pass it during the current session.