Jared Polis hasn’t even made it to the gubernatorial primary and he’s already run out of accomplishments to tout for his 17 years as a politician.
Luckily for Polis, he’s got special interest environmental groups backing him and making pitches for possible accomplishments — that is, if U.S. Sen. Cory Gardner can be persuaded to use his legislative muscle to get Polis’s bills passed for him.
The Wilderness Society issued a statement this week praising Polis for introducing (yet again) legislation to lock up 100,000 acres in Eagle and Summit County from nearly every form of recreation, except walking, in a new wilderness area.
This time, U.S. Sen. Michael Bennet is helping Polis by cosponsoring the measure, which adds a cherry on top in the form of a national historic landscape designation for Camp Hale.
Polis has failed for more than eight years to get a wilderness bill passed for this area along the Continental Divide. He tried locking up 58,000 acres and failed, then suggested 92,000 acres. Now he’s giving failure a go at 100,000 acres.
But when his bill stalls again — and it will — environmentalists are already laying the groundwork to blame Gardner.
“Now the work begins to move this legislation forward. We are hoping Senator Gardner will also recognize the enormous support for this legislation and help move this bill across the finish line.”
Memo to environmentalists: “enormous support” is how bills get passed. Bills that languish in committee for eight years do so because they lack even minimal support.