Last night, the Colorado Fraternal Order of Police sent a letter to Governor Hickenlooper calling for Denver Mayor Michael Hancock’s resignation following reports (and his own admission) that he sexually harassed a female member of his security detail via explicit texts. At the time he sent the explicit texts, Hancock had just been through the Players Club scandal, in which prostitutes who had Hancock’s phone number, claimed he was a client.
After all of this bad behavior, you would think that Colorado Democratic State Party Chair Morgan Carroll would be insisting on Hancock’s resignation. Not so. She has been basically silent on the scandal. In fact, she’s so focused on the state Senate that she seems to have forgotten to clean her own mess (Hancock).
But the FOP did not forget. In fact, it’s coming to the aid of a fellow law enforcement professional in the five-page letter. Here’s an excerpt provided by the Denver Post:
“It is clear that Mayor Hancock, Chief White and some of his command staff have broken faith with both the citizens of Denver and the officers who look to them for guidance and leadership. We believe that only an investigation by the Colorado Attorney General will restore the public’s trust in the City of Denver’s handling of public safety issues and in the leadership of the Denver Police Department and Sheriff Department.”
Hancock fired back blaming the fact that the FOP supported Donald Trump for president. Perhaps Hancock has forgotten that Democrats basically blamed law enforcement for all of society’s ills in the lead up to the election. Maybe that’s why the FOP gave Hancock the middle finger.
Nonetheless, we are still waiting for Democrats to call for his removal. They need to take care of this before they turn to Republicans in the state Senate. We’ll wait.