A Vox article out today takes a deep dive into Democratic candidate Jason Crow’s attempt to win in the Sixth Congressional District by campaigning on gun control. Hope that works out for him. Just kidding, we know it won’t. More interesting, however, is Crow’s claim that he lived in the Sixth Congressional District during the Aurora Theater Shooting in 2012. See the screenshot below from the Vox article.
According to our records, Crow lived in the Stapleton neighborhood in 2008, not the Sixth Congressional District. Did Crow lie to bolster his street creds on this issue? He lived 10.9 miles from the Century 16 Theaters, and, this may be splitting hairs, but over 10 miles is not “just a few” miles away. We reached out to Crow on Twitter to clarify, but (shocker) he has not replied.
His other statement with which we take issue – “so Columbine happened here.” While that may be technically true that Columbine happened in the Sixth Congressional District, it wasn’t the same district, not even remotely. The district changed drastically in 2010 following redistricting. The district no longer includes Columbine, but now includes parts of only parts of Arapahoe, Adams, and Douglas Counties. Was Crow attempting to mislead with his statement?
It’s pretty disgusting to use such massive tragedies to score political points, but to lie to make the tragedies fit your narrative? Reprehensible.