It’s no surprise that the liberal Colorado Springs Independent, or Indy, endorsed Cary Kennedy in the Democratic primary for Governor. Afterall, she appears to have captured the hearts and minds of the liberal grassroots. However, the newspaper’s critique of Congressman Jared Polis, who also is competing for the Democratic nomination, had us laughing.
Here is what the Indy said about why they did not endorse Polis:
“Our biggest issue with Polis, however — a dad who’s biggest policy goal is offering free full-day kindergarten statewide — is that he doesn’t seem to know how he’s going to fund his priorities.(Gov. John Hickenlooper supports full-day kindergarten so much that he tried to get voters to pay for it in 2013. They soundly rejected the ballot initiative.) Polis is likely used to hashing out the funding piece last, and given his strong business background, we think he’d prove skillful at getting his priorities funded. But in a state constrained by TABOR, with a backlog of infrastructure needs and underfunded priorities, money isn’t an afterthought.” (the Peak‘s emphasis)
Hilarious. The Indy is now the steward of taxpayer wallets? [skeptical eyebrow raise] While we agree with the Indy in this case – Polis is wildly unrealistic about funding his grand plans – we can’t believe the Indy is so incredibly concerned.
But, there you have it, PeakNation™. Even the liberal rag, the Indy, finds Polis too spendy for Colorado. That’s really saying something.