Can we please just tax Boulder out of existence?
Or is it too much to ask for someone to circulate petitions to bulldoze the whole city to the ground and let nature take over?
We would allow tents and camping. We promise.
We’re willing to bet even Boulderites would sign those petitions, if it was in the name of climate change.
We’re frustrated with the City That Never Makes Sense, this week, because the council has decided to tax energy production inside the city. Which doesn’t even occur. Because they won’t allow it.
But what this boneheaded move really sounds like is overreaction to Initiative 108, which brought in 209,000 signatures on petitions filed with the Secretary of State’s office for consideration on the November ballot.
If passed, the ballot measure would force cities like Boulder to compensate private property owners when cities (Boulder) blocks energy development.
We get it. Boulder hates capitalism, they despise the human race including their own selves. They don’t want to see how the energy they gobble up daily is produced. They want to pretend it comes from magic unicorn farts.
But it doesn’t, and if Boulder insists on standing in the way of future energy development, they’re going to have to pay for it, if this measure passes.
And not just through compensation for private property, but again through their own energy development tax of nearly $7 per oil barrel they just levied against themselves.