U.S. Sen. Cory Gardner got money to refill the coffers for the Land and Water Conservation Fund moving in Congress this week.
After Gardner testified on the funding bill Tuesday he is cosponsoring, the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee passed the measure and now it goes to the floor for a vote.
“I’ve been fighting to protect the Land and Water Conservation Fund, and today was an important step for the Senate to move out of committee a bipartisan measure that permanently reauthorizes this critical program for Colorado’s public lands,” said Senator Gardner. “There is no excuse on why we can’t get this done as there is a clear bipartisan consensus in both the House and Senate on the immense benefits of this crown jewel of conservation programs.”
Money for the fund expired in September, and we’re thankful to Gardner for keeping Colorado’s needs in the legislative forefront.
There are a lot of issues competing for the Senate’s attention right now, but this money is essential to Colorado.
The committee also passed other bills cosponsored by Gardner, including funding to address the national park maintenance backlog, of which $238 million is needed for Colorado.