Some Coloradans have enough trouble understanding the vote-by-mail process, the last thing we need is some outside group confusing us even more with mailers telling us we may or may not be registered to vote.
The patriotic-looking mailers are suggesting the recipient’s vote won’t count unless they return an enclosed mailer that goes back to the company, or register online at the Secretary of State’s office.
The thing is, the campaign called “Be Registered Colorado” is directed at registered voters.
The Colorado Secretary of State’s office is not amused, and says the mailers are causing “anger and confusion” among voters calling in to find out why they are no longer registered voters.
“Confusing voters is a problem any time of the year. When it happens just before a major federal election, it’s unacceptable,” said Deputy Secretary of State Suzanne Staiert said in a letter to the company telling them to knock it off.
The mailer is obviously trying to collect information on registered voters, but seriously neglected to think this tactic through.
If you got one in the mail, just trash it.