Democratic State Rep. Faith Winter hopes to defeat incumbent Republican State Sen. Beth Martinez Humenik, who is a moderate Republican that represents her moderate district well. On the other hand, Winter is a political hack who never saw a government regulation that she didn’t love.
Of course, that’s because she’s never really worked in the private sector. Representative Winter lists her occupation as “Non-profit consultant” and, indeed, research reveals that she has no private employment experience except for a summer internship at IBM. Her various online resumes and biographies list her experience as follows:
- National Program Director, EnviroCitizen (environmental organization)
- National Field Director, White House Project (now defunct organization working to increase left-of-center female representation in American institutions, businesses and government). This is a recurring theme with Winter, who apparently believes women are more qualified to lead than men are, which is, in itself, sexist, obviously.
- Executive Director and Founder, EmergeColorado (dedicated to training Democratic women to run for elected office)
- National Training Director, VoteRunLead (another organization dedicated to training progressive women to run for elected office)
- Program Director, Colorado Conservation Voters (environmental organization)
- City Council Member, City of Westminster, Colorado
With an organization like Conservation Colorado on her resume, it should come as no surprise that Rep. Winter also is a climate change extremist who can’t wait to use her one-party tyranny to get hardworking Colorado families out of their cars and into public transportation, as evidenced from this tweet back in May 2018:
Faith Winter is a lifelong progressive activist who clearly believes in maximum governmental power and control over Colordans’ lives and choices for how they get to work, how they raise their families, how much money they take home from their jobs, and how they defend themselves. Her open desire for one-party control over our state government is, frankly, completely disturbing.