Poor Diana DeGette, the Democrats are finally running the show in the U.S. House and she’s been kicked to the curb, stripped of her 14-year leadership position, and has no one to blame but herself.
She was not reappointed as chief deputy whip for an 8th term, because she made an idiotic power move and challenged her own boss, Whip James Clyburn, for the post.
Then, DeGette withdrew from the race after accusations arose that someone was trying to play the race card against Clyburn, a black man, so it shouldn’t come to a surprise to her that her boss fired her.
With DeGette out, Clyburn’s new chief deputy whips are Sheila Jackson Lee of Texas, Dan Kildee of Michigan, Pete Aguilar of California and Henry Cuellar of Texas.
To review Colorado’s standing in the new House majority, we have our senior member, DeGette, who challenged a leader and lost, Ed Perlmutter, who opposed Pelosi till she brought him to his knees and then he caved, freshman Jason Crow who still opposes Pelosi, and Joe Neguse, another freshman who supports Pelosi.
In other words, Colorado will get few favors from the new House of Democratic cards, except for the occasional stale bread crumb, which our delegation will try mightily to convince us is a shiny, sparkly cake fresh from the bakery.