Democrats demanded change when they voted Republicans out of the U.S. House, and that’s exactly what they didn’t get Thursday by reelecting 15-term Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi as speaker.
The only Colorado Democrat to cast a token vote against Pelosi was U.S. Rep. Jason Crow, who did so because he made the rookie mistake of making that vote a campaign promise.
Now, Crow and his constituents will pay the price for his vote against the most powerful woman in Washington, D.C., which means no special favors, no favors at all, actually.
No dummy is Crow, who immediately went to work to clean up his mess by kissing Pelosi’s behind in a public statement.
“I look forward to working with Speaker Pelosi who I know will lead Democrats forward in unity. Now is the time to refocus the fight on ending this absurd shutdown and re-opening our government for business.”
Making himself look even more ridiculous, Crow cast his vote for U.S. Sen. Tammy Duckworth of Illinois.
That’s right we said senator. Crow voted for a senator to be the political and parliamentary leader of the House of Representatives.
Granted, the rules don’t require that a speaker be an elected member of the House, it’s just that every speaker in our history has been a member of the House.
Meanwhile, the rest of the Colorado Democrats voted for Pelosi, including Ed Perlmutter, the man responsible for crafting the deal to help her retain her crown for four years and collect a bigger pension.