In a ten minute interview with AM 710 afternoon host Steffan Tubbs yesterday, Governor Jared Polis dumped a bucket of cold water on Democrat dreams of legalizing heroin under the guise of so-called “safe injection sites.” Polis said that he was “skeptical” of the idea. The governor also brought up the fact that the federal government would probably intervene if such a plainly illegal measure was passed and this open air heroin drug market sprang into existence. How radical an idea is this if even Polis is not on board?
Polis’ response comes as a big surprise to many (especially Democrats). Tubbs’ fellow AM 710 Host, Peter Boyles, claimed that Dean Singleton, who is very close to Polis and served on the governor’s transition, told him that Polis would sign a safe injection site bill if presented to him.
When Polis was asked about the issue earlier in the month, he gave a weak non-response, uttering something about not being able to say anything until he actually sees a bill – as if his core values could not lead him to a logical conclusion before seeing a verbose bill introduced at the General Assembly.
Two weeks ago, Tubbs and Boyles did what members of the Denver City Council refused to do when they voted to authorize these drug areas – they flew to Vancouver, British Columbia to put eyes on an actual heroin injection site that is sanctioned by the government.
They saw needles everywhere, addicts threw objects at their car, people were literally selling their clothing to buy drugs, as well as the open and conspicuous use of heroin outside of the injection booths. One young man laid on his back with hands behind his head – as if he was going to do a sit-up, while a friend injected heroin into his jugular vein.
It really seemed just two weeks ago – with a Democrat legislature and Polis in the governor’s mansion, that the overwhelming passage of this bill in the Denver City Council would result in its necessary passage at the state level.
However, if a bill does not get introduced, gets voted down, or vetoed by the governor, all credit must go to the duo of Boyles and Tubbs, who did the hard work, traveled to Vancouver, and shined a bright light on what would be an absolute disaster for our state.