With some of the most consequential legislation coming to the floor of the Colorado State Senate, the body’s new Democratic president, Leroy Garcia of Pueblo, has demonstrated zero leadership. He will not say where he stands on the disastrous red flag/extreme risk protection gun control bill, nor will he stake out a position on SB 181, the Democrats’ controversial overhaul of Colorado’s energy regulatory framework.
We are surprised by Garcia’s lack of leadership on key Democrat issues – we wouldn’t expect a former Marine like Garcia to be leading from behind, and we suspect his constituents aren’t very impressed either.
So, what could be behind Garcia’s abandonment of his post? Does he lack the political courage to take a stand against gun rights or stick up for the state’s most important industry – one that plays heavily in the economy of his district?
And since he is not leading, has he abdicated his leadership role to someone else – maybe even to someone who isn’t even a member of the State Senate anymore? Could Colorado Democrat Party Chair Morgan Carroll – a former member of the State Senate – be calling the shots? God forbid.
Coloradans deserve to know, and the good people in Pueblo deserve a Senator who has the transparency to share his opinion on these critical issues facing the state.