Yesterday, when all non-essential government offices in Denver were shuttered because of the worst blizzard in years, Democrats in the legislature pressed forward with debate on their family medical leave bill, one of the most expensive pieces of legislation for both employers and employees in recent memory. The State Senate also voted on SB-181, perhaps the most controversial and economically damaging piece of legislation put forth during the session (although we’re only halfway there).
When it became clear that roads were impassible, Democrats put out word that if you were scheduled to testify and didn’t want to come in/were stranded alongside the highway/or worse, to email your testimony and someone would read it on your behalf. That was a lie as well. Instead of reading the emailed testimony, they simply read the sender’s name and announced whether they were for or against the bill.
At least they did not have five computers reading these things simultaneously at 650 words per minute.
To make matters worse, when pressed about why he held session on such a uniquely dangerous day, Senate President Leroy Garcia admitted that he had a political motivation to drive on with the agenda.
So Garcia risked the well-being of low-paid legislative staff so he could ram through unpopular legislation knowing that there would be minimal public opposition. Every first responder agency in the metro area was pleading with people to stay home. Hundreds of motorists were stranded in blizzard conditions.
But Garcia kept the State Senate in session for political reasons, willfully putting workers and citizens wishing to testify in harm’s way. We assume he did not drive back to Pueblo last night. You’re quite the hero, Marine.
Democrats are saying at every opportunity that they are not ramming legislation through the system, and that they are being open and transparent about the political process. They sure have us fooled….