Just when we thought political outrages at the state legislature were ready to consume us, Denver steps up to the plate with some political shenanigans over at city hall to brighten our weekend.
Turns out it’s okay for city workers to spontaneously combust with political civic pride on their personal social media pages touting Mayor Hancock’s spectacularness just prior to that upcoming election.
But when a supporter of Hancock’s opponent fired back with an email to thousands of city workers urging them to vote for Jamie Giellis, city workers in the legal department issued a cease and desist letter foreshadowing legal action.
Of course it’s not illegal for any citizen to send email to city workers, even if it’s political in nature.
But the lawyers say the author, former city auditor Dennis Gallagher, is putting employees at risk of breaking the law if they read it or forward it.
Of course, the only way to know this, is if the city wastes money on a witch hunt to track down and punish every employee who accidentally clicked on the message.
But while they’re at it (just guessing), they might want to check all those social media posts about Hiz Honor’s greatness, to make sure it’s not being done on the city’s dime.