There are a few things Coloradans previously could count on and one of those was that the Colorado State Legislature would be closed on Good Friday. PeakNation™, it’s a brave new world. Tomorrow, for the first time in Capitol insiders’ memories, the #coleg will remain open for Good Friday.
The closure wasn’t about being a Christian, but about taking time out to spend with friends and family. In fact, this year, in particular, it could also be about being Jewish as Passover starts tomorrow night, too. We acknowledge that Passover is not the very most important of Jewish holidays, but it still may be a holiday in which families would like to travel to spend time together, too. And it may not even be legislators, but what about all of the support staff that have to be at the Capitol tomorrow instead of spending time with their families and loved ones?
It’s just selfish and it’s yet another example of how Democrats’ mismanagement of the calendar and refusal to prioritize bills in the short window that we have is forcing them to put politics over people.
It’s sad, really, but it’s what we’ve come to expect from the leadership at the Capitol.