Abuse students and collect $25,000. Only in government does a person who should have been fired on the spot receive a lump sum payout after months of paid leave after committing extreme behavior on the job.
Yesterday marked the conclusion of another shameful episode from the union-owned Douglas County School Board (and it’s hand-picked superintendent). Teacher and union rep Michelle Grissom, swept up in the fake news feeding frenzy around Covington Catholic High School students who were accosted by Native American protesters during a Washington, D.C. field trip (but who were falsely blamed for the controversy), called the students “Hitler Youth” in a public online forum. Not only did she unjustly attacked these students, but she accused a Covington student who was several states away at the time of the incident.
Not only was this a breach of decorum, a marginalization of Nazi atrocities, and a demonstration of a complete ignorance of history, but it was also a glaring violation of the district’s social media policy on cyber bullying, which, by the way, was written to punish students, not teachers who should be above this sort of thing.
Leaders in any industry outside of government would have unceremoniously kicked this woman to the curb and mailed home any pathetic personal belongings that cluttered her desk. But when the government employee union is involved, and decision makers are spending other peoples money, all of that common sense goes out the window.
Superintendent Thomas Tucker claimed that he was afraid of the district being sued by this vile creature, as if there was a jury in America that would come down on her side of things. No, this is just another example in a quickly developing pattern of abuse by the incompetent Douglas County School Board, and we have more examples from this inept bunch on the way. This has been a bad week for the Douglas County School Board.