Earlier today, we reported that Colorado Democrats former Governor John Hickenlooper and current U.S. Senator Michael Bennet, who each struggled to qualify for the Democratic primary debates which required polling at a measly 1% or 65,000 donors, have won the jackpot. The two Coloradans will share a debate stage with the top-polling presidential candidates – former Vice President Joe Biden, U.S. Senators Bernie Sanders and Kamala Harris, and South Bend, Indiana Mayor Pete Buttigieg.
Lucky bastards. They could have been relegated to the night with the candidates nobody has ever heard of like Swalwell. Oh wait. They are the candidates that nobody has ever heard of. They are the Swalwell of their debate. Either way, Bennet and Hick will certainly benefit from the eyeballs that their fellow candidates bring.
Or maybe not.
We would never accuse either Hick or Bennet of having a commanding debate performance. In fact, neither of these two candidates have ever had a great debate that we can recall. So, was placing Hick and Bennet with some of the most accomplished debaters a way to narrow the field by the Democratic Party and NBC (but we repeat ourselves)? NBC said it was a random drawing, but whether it’s fortuitous depends on how well these two do against the top contenders.
Good luck, gentlemen.You’ll need it.