The Colorado media coverage of John Hickenlooper’s short-lived presidential aspirations feel dramatically short of the mark.
We’re aware that actual copy editors are scarce these days, and Hick’s announcement he dropped out of the race wasn’t really unexpected, or dramatic, in any way.
Still, some of those articles screamed for rewrite, and in the interests of brevity and accuracy, we are more than willing to lend an editing hand.
John Hickenlooper ended his presidential campaign Thursday morning the same way he started it: troubled by a divided nation and calling for unity. broke.
Former Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper announced on Thursday that he was ending his Democratic presidential campaign and said he intends to give “some serious thought” to running for the the state’s Republican-held U.S. Senate seat in 2020. in the Democratic primary election for the U.S. Senate seat.
Memo to Colorado Politics: You don’t have the power to anoint Hick as the Democrat’s chosen one and just skip the primary election altogether. That magic wand to bypass voters belongs to the Democrat’s Senate leader, Chuck Schumer.
It’s official: John Hickenlooper is out of was never in the race to challenge President Donald Trump.
John Hickenlooper, the beer entrepreneur turned politician who touted a talent for “bringing people together” to heal a divided country, will end his campaign for the White House on Thursday, The Denver Post has confirmed with two sources.
Still unable to come to grips with reality, Boulder’s front page story has not been updated with yesterday’s announcement. They do acknowledge Hick failed to bring us world peace.
Pueblo Chieftain, Associated Press
DENVER — Former Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper on Thursday ended his longshot bid for the Democratic presidential nomination and said he may run for the Senate in 2020 against a Republican considered one of the most politically vulnerable incumbents.
Et tu, AP? Surely the media is aware Hickenlooper cannot run against Gardner unless he wins an election among Democrats for the party’s nomination? Stop trying to hand him the crown!
Oh, and we’re going to need some attribution as to who exactly considers Gardner vulnerable. The broad term, “Democrats,” will suffice. Also, is that statement considered pejorative? It’s hard to tell with you guys.
Former Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper formally ended his failed-to-launch presidential bid on Thursday morning, pouring gasoline on speculation about whether he will jump into the state’s crowded Democratic primary for U.S. Senate.
Wow. Surprisingly accurate. Well done.
A large portion of surplus revenue the county has collected under the Taxpayer’s Bill of Rights would end up elsewhere, County Assessor Ken Brownlee and County Budget Manager Jeremy Caudle told the Mesa County Board of Commissioners on Monday.
We couldn’t find a story about Hickenlooper’s announcement on their web site. They obviously have more important issues to worry about.