John Hickenlooper hasn’t even married himself to the U.S. Senate race, but the honeymoon has already started and he should enjoy it, while it lasts.
That’s evidenced by a poll of 400 voters who said this week they would vote for the presidential outcast over Cory Gardner by 53% to 40%.
But that’s assuming Hickenlooper would even win the Democratic primary to face Gardner.
The real question: How will the sometimes self-styled moderate fare in the Democratic primary — the first to include presidential candidates — in what has become a race to the bottom of the far left cliff?
The same poll shows socialist Democrat Bernie Sanders leading the pack among Colorado voters, followed by former VP Joe Biden and U.S. Sens. Elizabeth Warren and Kamala Harris.
Those are the same folks who trounced Hick in a presidential primary poll in his home state.
By the way, in this same presidential matchup, U.S. Sen. Michael Bennet only polled 1% among his own voters. He’s the other candidate running as a moderate.
Hick is polling high on name recognition.
But the March 3 presidential primary will be a magnet for the far left, so why would they choose Hick from a vast field of candidates who have seven months to distinguish themselves from Hick and build their own name ID?
Like we said, Hick should enjoy the honeymoon while it lasts.