Democrats are having a tough time keeping their stories straight over their own party’s socialist ideals and who to blame for calling them socialists.
An article Monday in the Denver Post pointed the finger at U.S. Sen. Cory Gardner for suggesting “progressive” Democrats had crossed too far into the left field of socialism.
The article was filled with quotes from Democrats running for their party’s nomination to challenge Gardner, blaming the Yuma Republican for the label.
Those included the same Democrats, who on the very same day, identified John Hickenlooper as the socialist-labeling culprit in a letter to the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee.
From Colorado Politics:
“What is more troubling is Hickenlooper’s rhetoric throughout his failed Presidential bid he derisively referred to progressives as ‘socialist’ and paternally lectured us on how our progressive values will ‘re-elect Donald Trump’,” the letter reads. “Let us not forget that it was progressives who fought for the rights of women and communities of color in the 1960s and 1970s that we still enjoy today. Governor Hickenlooper’s statements have offended and angered many of the voters in Colorado.”
Get your scare tactics stories straight, guys.
If you want to blame someone for calling you socialists, look no further than your own party.
And it’s not just Democrats like Hickenlooper, but those who carry the Socialst Democrat label proudly, like Bernie Sanders, U.S. Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Rashida Tlaib.