There’s going to be a GOP primary in the fight to take back the 6th Congressional District from freshman Democrat U.S. Rep. Jason Crow.
Steve House, former chairman of the state Republican Party, threw his hat into the ring this week and will face Casper Stockham in the March 2020 primary election.
The winner will have an interesting race against Crow, who really hasn’t done much for his congressional district since he was elected.
Probably because Crow’s been too busy banging on the front door of the ICE detention center in Aurora with media crews in tow demanding that members of Congress get photo ops special access to inspect prisoners and conditions.
And when he’s not showboating on someone else’s misery, Crow is carrying the torch to impeach President Trump.
Some Democrats like Crow think impeachment is key to the party’s power and glory.
Standing in their way is House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who is pleading with her own Democratic caucus to stop banging the impeachment drum because she fears it will backfire on them.
Especially for candidates in targeted district’s, like Crow’s.
So welcome to the race, Mr. House!
We’re sure the former chairman will make it an interesting one to watch.