John Hickenlooper was finally able to raise some money for his Senate race from his rich buddies, who the struggling candidate once bragged would be there to help him win a presidential campaign.
The posh fundraising event was held at the Aspen estate of Bob Hurst, who’s name has been linked to scandal on several occasions, the Denver Post responsibly reminded us.
The former Goldman Sachs vice chairman “suffered losses in the financial crisis and was bailed out by taxpayers to the tune of $10 billion.”
He was investigated for tax evasion on art purchases and later ponied up $2 million.
And Coloradans will remember his fundraising affair for Hillary Clinton, for which local taxpayers were stuck with the bill for providing security.
Then there’s this, the Denver Post reports:
Hurst also turned up, along with other figures from the world of finance, in the address book of Jeffrey Epstein, the convicted sex offender who died by suicide last month. According to a source close to Hurst, he was introduced to Epstein by a mutual friend and the two saw each other at several parties. Hurst had no contact with Epstein after moving to Aspen in 2006, according to the source.
PeakNation™ will remember Hickenlooper expressed disappointment during his failed presidential run that his rich buddies abandoned him, failing to make it rain millions to get him elected.
We know this because his buddy Gary Hart blabbed it to the New York Times:
“What struck me was how confident he was,” recalled Gary Hart, the former Colorado senator and two-time presidential candidate to whom Mr. Hickenlooper made a pilgrimage for a meeting before his 2020 run. “I just said, ‘John, it really costs a lot of money.’ He said, ‘I’ve got that covered, I have a lot of wealthy friends and friends who know wealthy people who have committed to raise whatever it takes.’ That made me a little nervous.”
What should make voters, is who Hickenlooper considers his wealthy friends.