John Hickenlooper can’t seem to get it through his head that no, means no.
Twice now the Colorado Independent Ethics Commission has voted against Hickenlooper’s pleas to dismiss his case without investigating the former governor for accepting illegal gifts.
The gifts in question — mostly rides on fancy jets owned by “friends” for out-of-state travel.
There was the trip to Texas on Kimbal Musk’s jet (Elon’s brother) to officiate at Kimbal Musk’s weeding in April last year.
Hick flew on a plane owned by Colorado homebuilder Larry Mizel to the commissioning event of the USS Colorado.
Hick used a private plane owned by his chief of staff to fly to an American Enterprise Institute conference in Jackson Hole, Wyoming.
When his wife was having a medical procedure in New Jersey, Hick accepted jet rides from a private businessman.
And, when the governor was touring Italy, Fiat Chrysler paid for car travel and meal expenses.
Hickenlooper first tried to get the ethics commission to drop its investigation right before he announced his run for presidency.
The commission unanimously rejected his second plea this week in a 4-0 vote.
The commission is expected to release its report in the next week, with hearings to follow.
Stay tuned!