Gov. Jared Polis allocated billions in federal COVID-19 relief funding without any oversight by the state legislature and our economy is still on shaky ground.
Most likely the $2.3 billion Polis spent at his own discretion simply propped up government programs, considering we didn’t hear of any government cutbacks or furloughs when Polis ordered businesses across the state to shutdown.
More than a half million Coloradans lost their jobs, but government workers didn’t feel so much as a pinch in their wallet as many created new rules and regulations that might maybe, if we say pretty please, allow us to go back to work.
The Joint Budget Committee will meet Tuesday to discuss Polis’s wild spending spree and more than 100 emergency orders his excellence has issued since taking over as sole COVID Commander.
While Democrats including Polis are demanding Congress deliver trillions more in taxpayer dollars to states for alleged virus-related spending, the committee needs to take a serious look at what Colorado is doing with the money.
It turns out that of all those billions Polis allocated, less than $3 million has actually been spent.
And yet, the Denver Post reported just last week Polis has issued demands to Congress for the next virus aid package because Democrat lawmakers in Colorado failed to deliver a balanced budget and had to cut $3 billion in general spending.
There’s Democrat logic for you, demand the federal government go into debt by the trillions to cover a state budget going into debt by the billions and call it virus aid.