U.S. Sen. John Hickenlooper is very full of himself these days, having been asked to sit at the lunchroom table with that annoying clique of lawmakers mostly known for causing trouble for Republicans.
Or as the media calls them, the so-called “bipartisan” Sweet 16 of senators who are now caucusing to try and sway vote outcomes and consolidate their own power.
It’s this self-appointed group whom President Biden has deemed worthy of pushing his nearly $2 trillion “stimulus” package of pork-n-stuff through Congress.
It includes the usual suspects of alleged Republicans and tax and spenders like Mitt Romney, Susan Collins, and Lisa Murkowski.
The most conservative senator in the group is Bill Cassidy of Louisiana, who the American Conservative Union gives a 82% ranking.
There’s one conservatish Democrat, Joe Manchin of West Virginia, then it goes straight down liberal lane with the likes of Dick Durbin of Illinois, Mark Warner of Virginia, and the other new freshman, Mark Kelly of Arizona.
There’s a couple of moderates in the group, of which Hickenlooper probably counts himself.
What we find odd, is that a Democrat president with a Democrat Senate and a Democrat House would need a rag-tag group of eight Democrats and eight Republicans in the Senate to push his legislation through Congress?
Good luck with that, Hickenlooper.
The Colorado Sun reports Hick is so very excited to be a part of the new clique, and has his own special priorities he will pursue.
That’s so cute.
Remember just weeks ago when Colorado’s other U.S. Sen. Michael Bennet, was in the previous group of bipartisan senators who negotiated the last trillion dollars stimulus package, which contained absolutely nadda of this priorities?
Hick would do well to remember that freshmen are only allowed to present their ideas on “wear pink Wednesdays.”
Also, never wear a pony tail two days in a row, and no hoop earrings, that’s Murkowski’s thing.