Campaign Integrity Watchdog filed a complaint against Denver School Board Director Tay Anderson stating he failed to report thousands of dollars he solicited as a public official through Go Fund Me accounts.

The campaign finance complaint filed last week states Anderson is required to report gifts of money, and faces fines between $50 and $1,000 for each violation.

The complaint filed by Matt Arnold for Campaign Integrity Watchdog cites $13,036 Anderson collected for medical expenses and $12,842 he raised for travel to Washington, D.C. following the death of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

The alleged hospital bill was for that time Anderson slipped and fell while blocking police from accessing a homeless camp that was targeted by the City of Denver for removal.

Anderson drove himself to the hospital and was released not long after he got his picture taken.

The purpose of Colorado’s campaign and public-official disclosure requirements is to facilitate transparency and deter quid pro quo corruption via “full and timely disclosure” of contributions.  Tay Anderson’s failure to disclose tens of thousands of dollars “donated” in response to active solicitations for funds using his official platform defeats the express purpose of those laws.


CIW’s officer, Matt Arnold, stated that “public officials who deliberately evade the legal disclosure requirements for financial activity betray the public trust.  Elected officials – and those seeking to obtain or retain elected office – cannot be above the laws.  Such “official” violators must be held accountable to the law, so that “some animals – are not more equal than others.“

The complaint does not include the baby gift registry Anderson set up at Target.

At least 73 contributions exceeded amounts that triggers disclosure rules, and many of the gifts were anonymous, which is strictly forbidden, the complaint said.

If found guilty, Anderson’s fines could add up to $73,000.